70 CE, after the fall of Jerusalem, many thousands of Jews were taken to Rome
as slaves and others were exiled from Judaea. Rome took over the collection of
the annual Jewish head tax, which had been a half shekel (equivalent to two
Roman denarii). The Romans collected this tax with much zeal ... so much so
that it caused embarrassment to Jews and non-Jews alike.
Following the reign of the Flavians - Vespasian, Titus and Domitian - came the
short but liberalizing rule of Nerva (96-98 CE). One of the first reforms he
instituted concerned the department (Fiscus Judaicus) responsible for the
collection of the Jewish head tax. One theory espoused that this coin
commemorated the abolishment of the tax. Later, it was postulated that this
coin commemorated the end of the insulting methods of collecting the tax, which
had demanded visible (and public) proof of circumcision. However, in her paper
“The Interpretation and Wider Context of Nerva’s Fiscus Judaicus Sestertius,
presented at the International Conference Judaea and Rome in Coins,hosted by
Spink in 2010, Marius Heemstra came to the conclusion that “Nerva’s coin … is
very plausibly evidence that the new emperor no longer permitted people to be
accused of living a Jewish life. This specific accusation became a ‘wrongful
accusation’ (calumnia). Towards the
end of [his predecessor] Domitian’s reign, high-ranking Romans accused of
‘living a Jewish life’ could have their property confiscated and they could
even end up being executed.
A large bronze sestertius was issued to commemorate this reform. This scarce
coin features a palm tree, that had become symbolic of the Jewish people on the
Judaea Capta coins, and the Latin inscriptions "FISCI IVDAICI CALVMNIA
SVBLATA" (the calumny of the Jewish tax is removed) and "S C"
(by consent of the Senate). (#93)

#93 Nerva sestertius, 96 CE ( H-1603)
© 2020-Mel Wacks