the first century, the Roman Empire granted many of the cities in its provinces
the right to mint bronze coins. Silver coins were only minted in a few important
cities outside of Rome. Coins were issued in Judaea/Palestine by 38 different
cities, according to Meshorer, as follows (from North to South):
Coastal Cities: Ptolemais (Akko), Dora (Dor), Caesarea, Joppa (Yafo),
Ascalon (Ashkelon), Gaza, Anthedon, Raphia
Inland Cities: Tiberias, Sepphoris (Sippori), Gaba, Nysa-Scythopolis,
Samaria (Shomron-Sebaste), Neapolis (Shechem), Antipatris, Diospolis (Lod),
Nicopolis (Emmaus), Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem), Eleutheropolis (Beth Govrin)
Cities of Transjordan: Panias, Philippopolis, Hippos (Susita), Canatha
(Kenath), Abilla (Abel), Gadara (Gader), Adraa, Capitolias (Beth Reisha),
Bostra (Beser), Dium, Pella (Pehal), Gerasa (Geresh), Philadelphia (Rabbat
Ammon), Esbus (Heshbon), Medeba, Rabbath-Moba (Rabbath Moab), Charach-Moba
(Kir Moab), Petra (Reqem)
The definition of "Palestinian"
cities is somewhat subjective. The British Museum Catalog of Palestine coins
tallies 16 cities in Galilee, Samaria and Judaea; Klimowsky lists 32 cities
under the heading "Palestine;" and Rosenberger enumerates 22 cities in "Palestine"
and 18 in "Eastern Palestine."
While a scattering of city coins were minted earlier, the time of the First
Revolt (66-70 CE) saw the initial pronounced production of city coins in
Judaea ... and the number of mints blossomed after the defeat of the Jews
in the Second Revolt (132-135 CE). The Ascalon Mint deserves special mention,
since it produced coins almost continuously from about 375 BCE through 235
CE; one of its more interesting issues features the famous Cleopatra on
a silver shekel. (#118)
#118 Shekel from Ascalon featuring Cleopatra VII, 47 BCE
A few cities, with large Jewish populations - Neapolis (#119) and Sepphoris
(#120) -- initially struck coins with Jewish symbols.
#119 Neapolis, Domitian 82/83 CE
#120 Sepphoris, Trajan 98-117 CE
A previously unknown coin (#121), offered by fontanillecoins.com, depicts the tower and walls (tell) of the city of Akko-Ptolemais.
#121 Akko-Ptolemais, Galienus 253-268 CE
Some historic coins -- issued by Aelia Capitolina/Jerusalem (#122), Caesarea (#123), etc. -- picture the Roman ceremonial founding of the city. The Emperor is shown in a cart pulled by a bull and ox, defining the boundary as the area enclosed by a plough in 24 hours.
#122 Aelia Capitolina, Hadrian 130 CE (H-Fig. 10.1 )

#123 Caesarea, Septimus Severus 193-211 CE
But the coins of these cities eventually joined with the others in depicting Roman gods, goddesses, temples, etc. One of the most interesting designs depicts a Roman temple, dedicated to the worship of Jupiter "The Supreme God," which was erected on the former site of the Samaritan Temple atop Mt. Gerizim. (#124)
124 Neapolis, Antoninus Pius 160 CE
This extensive series of Palestine city-coins finally came to an end during the reign of Gallienus (253-268 CE), when the Roman Empire disintegrated.
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