Don Isaac
Berg, Gertude (Molly Goldberg)
Berg, Moe
Berle, Milton
Berlin, Irving
Bernstein, Leonard
Brandeis, Louis D.
Cardozo, Benjamin
Einstein, Albert Elion, Gertrude
Gershwin, George
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Gompers, Samuel
Goode, Alexander Goodman, Benny
Gratz, Rebecca
Greenberg, Hank
Hillman, Sidney
Hoffman, Jeffrey
Houdini, Harry
Jefferson, Thomas
Leopold Lamarr, Hedy
Lazarus, Emma
Lehman, Herbert H.
Levy, Asser
Levy, Uriah P.
Magnes, Judah L.
Meir, Golda
Miller, Arthur
Myerson, Bess
Noah, Mordecai.
Ochs, Adolph
Pulitzer, Joseph
Resnik, Judith
Rose, Ernestine
Rosenthal, Robert
Ross, Barney
Salk, Jonas
Salomon, Haym
Santangel, Luis de
Sarnoff, David
Schick, Bela
Seixas, Gershom M.
Singer, Isaac B.
Stern, Isaac
Straus, Isidor & Ida
Strauss, Levi
Streisand, Barbra
Szold, Henrietta
Torres, Dara
Torres, Luis de
Touro, Judah
Wacks, Mel
Wald, Lillian
Washington, George
Wiesel, Elie
Wise, Isaac Mayer Zacuto, Abraham

by Gerta Ries Wiener (1976), Henrietta Szold, Founder of
Hadassah. |
Henrietta Szold
Szold was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1860, a little more than
a year after her parents arrived from Hungary. Her father, a prominent
rabbi, gave Henrietta the attention and education usually reserved
for an eldest son. She learned German, English, French and Hebrew.
Her high school academic record has never been surpassed. In 1899,
she took on the lion's share of producing the first American Jewish
Year Book, for which Szold was the sole editor from 1904 to 1908.
In 1909,
Ms. Szold first visited Palestine. During her tour she was impressed
both by the beauty of the land and the misery and disease among
the people. And so, with the support of Rabbi Judah L. Magnes,
she formed Hadassah in 1912. Within a year, the fledgling organization
had two American nurses in Jerusalem. Today, Hadassah's great
hospitals in Jerusalem are world famous, treating over 25,000
patients and handling over 1.5 million medical tests annually
... Jews and Arabs alike. The Henrietta Szold-Hadassah School
of Nursing has trained over 1,500 nurses, and the Hebrew University-Hadassah
Medical School has graduated more than 1,300 doctors.
In 1933,
at the age of 73, Szold embarked on a major new project ... rescuing
Jewish children from the oncoming Holocaust. Despite obstacles
in dealing with the British Mandate government in Palestine, by
1948 her Youth Aliya program brought 30,000 children from troubled
Europe to Palestine. Even at the age of 81, Henrietta Szold accepted
a new challenge ... planning the Fund for Child and Youth Care.
Today, Hadassah's
third of a million members and 1,350 chapters around the world
make it one of the largest philanthropic organizations and a living
tribute to the hard work and vision of its founder, Henrietta
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