Don Isaac
Berg, Gertude (Molly Goldberg)
Berg, Moe
Berle, Milton
Berlin, Irving
Bernstein, Leonard
Brandeis, Louis D.
Cardozo, Benjamin
Einstein, Albert Elion, Gertrude
Gershwin, George
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Gompers, Samuel
Goode, Alexander Goodman, Benny
Gratz, Rebecca
Greenberg, Hank
Hillman, Sidney
Hoffman, Jeffrey
Houdini, Harry
Jefferson, Thomas
Leopold Lamarr, Hedy
Lazarus, Emma
Lehman, Herbert H.
Levy, Asser
Levy, Uriah P.
Magnes, Judah L.
Meir, Golda
Miller, Arthur
Myerson, Bess
Noah, Mordecai.
Ochs, Adolph
Pulitzer, Joseph
Resnik, Judith
Rose, Ernestine
Rosenthal, Robert
Ross, Barney
Salk, Jonas
Salomon, Haym
Santangel, Luis de
Sarnoff, David
Schick, Bela
Seixas, Gershom M.
Singer, Isaac B.
Stern, Isaac
Straus, Isidor & Ida
Strauss, Levi
Streisand, Barbra
Szold, Henrietta
Torres, Dara
Torres, Luis de
Touro, Judah
Wacks, Mel
Wald, Lillian
Washington, George
Wiesel, Elie
Wise, Isaac Mayer Zacuto, Abraham

by Gerta Ries Wiener (1978), Golda Meir, Israel Prime Minister. |
Golda Meir (1898-1979)
Born in
Kiev, Russia Golda Mabovitch's (later Meir) family emigrated to
the United States, settling in Milwaukee in 1906. From the time,
at the age of ten, that she organized the American Young Sisters'
Society to provide textbooks for the needy school children, Golda
dedicated her life to solving the problems of others.
An avowed
Zionist since she settled in a kibbutz in Palestine with her husband
Morris Myerson in 1921, Golda soon became involved in political
activities. She served as an emissary to the Pioneer Women's Organization
in the United States from 1932-4, and after her return to Palestine,
joined the Executive Committee of the Histadrut, the General Federation
of Israel Labor. Golda soon rose to become head of Histadrut's
Political Department, and in 1946 served in the same role for
the Jewish Agency until the establishment of the State of Israel
two years later.
perilous secret meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan, just before
the Arab invasion was a dramatic attempt for last minute conciliation.
David Ben-Gurion appointed Golda Meir as Minister to Moscow, and
in 1949 she became Minister of Labor. She initiated large scale
housing and road-building programs, and vigorously supported the
policy of unrestricted immigration. As Foreign Minister (1956-1965),
Golda was often Israel's spokesperson at the United Nations, where
she pleaded for all of those who call the Holy Land home to "united,
fight poverty and disease and illiteracy."
After the
death of Levi Eshkol in 1969, Golda Meir became the fourth Prime
Minister of Israel. Originally thought to have been a stop-gap
appointment, she went on to lead her party to victory in the next
election. She held this critical position, continuing to carry
on indirect negotiations with Egypt through the outbreak of the
Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Despite her
eminence, she was called simply "Golda" to everyone in Israel
and on her frequent travels around the world.
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