Don Isaac
Berg, Gertude (Molly Goldberg)
Berg, Moe
Berle, Milton
Berlin, Irving
Bernstein, Leonard
Brandeis, Louis D.
Cardozo, Benjamin
Einstein, Albert Elion, Gertrude
Gershwin, George
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Gompers, Samuel
Goode, Alexander Goodman, Benny
Gratz, Rebecca
Greenberg, Hank
Hillman, Sidney
Hoffman, Jeffrey
Houdini, Harry
Jefferson, Thomas
Karpeles ,
Leopold Lamarr, Hedy
Lazarus, Emma
Lehman, Herbert H.
Levy, Asser
Levy, Uriah P.
Magnes, Judah L.
Meir, Golda
Miller, Arthur
Myerson, Bess
Noah, Mordecai.
Ochs, Adolph
Pulitzer, Joseph
Resnik, Judith
Rose, Ernestine
Rosenthal, Robert
Ross, Barney
Salk, Jonas
Salomon, Haym
Santangel, Luis de
Sarnoff, David
Schick, Bela
Seixas, Gershom M.
Singer, Isaac B.
Stern, Isaac
Straus, Isidor & Ida
Strauss, Levi
Streisand, Barbra
Szold, Henrietta
Torres, Dara
Torres, Luis de
Touro, Judah
Wacks, Mel
Wald, Lillian
Washington, George
Wiesel, Elie
Wise, Isaac Mayer Zacuto, Abraham

by Gerta Ries Wiener (1981), Rebecca Gratz, Philanthropist. |
Gratz Family
Gratz (1738-1801) emigrated to America from Poland -- via England
-- in 1754. Along with other merchants, he signed Non-Importation
Agreements to boycott British goods during the Stamp Act and Townshend
Act crises prior to the Revolution. The Gratz family wholeheartedly
supported the American patriots, and supplied goods to the Continental
Army. Bernard and his younger brother Michael helped found one
of the first synagogues in America, which in 1773 evolved into
Philadelphia's Congregation Mikveh Israel. After the War, the
Gratzes became involved in a successful struggle for equal rights
in Pennsylvania. Michael's son Hyman founded Gratz College, but
it was his daughter who is the "jewel of the Gratz dynasty."
Gratz (1781-1869)
Gratz achieved literary immortality when, after hearing of her
charm, beauty and goodness, Sir Walter Scott introduced a Jewish
female character into the work that was then in progress. He even
named the heroine (of Ivanhoe) "Rebecca." While she never married,
Rebecca made a home for her unmarried brothers, and reared the
nine orphaned children of her sister Rachel Moses. In her twenty-first
year, she became secretary for the Female Association for the
Relief of Women and Children in Reduced Circumstances, and in
1815 Rebecca was a founder of the Philadelphia Orphan Society.
But, perhaps her most significant accomplishment was the founding
of the Hebrew Sunday School Society, the first of its kind in
America, and the model for all Jewish education in America. When
she died in 1869, at the age of 88, Rebecca Gratz was mourned
as one of the foremost women in America. Rabbi David Philipson
wrote in the introduction to the Letters of Rebecca Gratz: "All
accounts agree in praise of this unusual woman. Beautiful in face
... noble of soul and pure of heart, she is not unworthy of having
applied to her the exquisite words used of a rare woman by George
Elliot, that 'were all virtue and religion dead, she'd make them
newly, being what she was.'"
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